How to Apply
On Behalf of Individuals

To consider before applying

Essential Helpful See Note
Meeting our criteria for applying Yes 1
Not applying for retrospective spending Yes Tell us when you anticipate spending
Grant would be spent in 3 months If anticipating longer, explain in the form
Will acknowledge by email when a grant is received Yes
Can complete a grant monitoring form if required Yes 2

What to include with the application

Essential Helpful See Note
Covering Letter Yes
Website or other online presence Yes
How a grant would be spent Yes 3
Supporting evidence for the amount applied for Yes 4
A copy of original source bank ID to enable a BACS payment Yes 5


This page is for employees or volunteers of non profit making organisations who want to apply on behalf of an individual or family in need of urgent financial assistance. Applications are accepted for reasons such as  –

  • Household basics such as white goods, bedroom furniture, flooring
  • Services such as therapy, or children’s activities
  • Technology to help SEND children and young people

You might be applying from a school, charity / CIO / CIC, NHS, or a local authority.  If you are from Devon County Council, this page is not for you and instead apply HERE

You will be acting, in your professional capacity, as referee for this person / people in need.  If the application is successful, you would be responsible and accountable for spending the grant in accordance with the reasons given on the application form, on behalf of the individual / family.

The Trusts are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and vulnerable adults, and expects all applicants to share this commitment.


Your application could be considered by either or our 2 Charities, you do not need to be concerned with which charity to apply to as we assess that.  However it is essential that your individual / family fit the criteria of at least one of our Charities –

The Gibbons Family Trust can make grants to organisations that help children and young people up to the age of 25, for any reason to improve their quality of life, residing in either Devon, or the Isle of Thanet. READ FURTHER ESSENTIAL CRITERIA FOR APPLYING

The David Gibbons Foundation can make grants to organisations that benefit residents of Devon, provided they are either (or a combination of) physically or mentally unwell, in need of financial help, or are older adults. READ FURTHER ESSENTIAL CRITERIA FOR APPLYING


Monitoring of grant spending is required from recipients of larger grants, and welcomed from all grant recipients.  We will send requests out periodically, some time after a grant is awarded.  However if you haven’t been sent a request to complete a monitoring form and would like one, please email Failure to complete monitoring forms on request will impact the success of future applications.


We require you to be very specific about how a potential grant from us would be spent, and attach evidence to back this up.

For example, quotes or links to quotes, invoices budgets, cost breakdowns – we want to understand exactly how a grant from us would be used.   If we do not have enough information with the initial application this could cause delays and potentially mean missing the next Trustees’ meeting.


If you are submitting multiple attachments please be aware that this may take a little time to submit – do not press submit again or refresh your browser, please be patient! You can save your application and revisit it.  A maximum of 5 attachments only is possible – including bank ID


Payment of Grants

Grant payments are NOT made directly to the beneficiary, under any circumstances.  You do not need to supply details of the individual’s bank account with the application form.

Most grant payments are made by BACS to the organisation from which you are applying.

A photo, scan or download of original source bank identification MUST be uploaded with the form.  We do not accept bank details copied and pasted into an email or word.

This needs to show CLEARLY the bank’s name, organisation’s account name, sort code and account number. The types of bank identification which we accept are:

  • A bank statement, dated within the last 3 months
  • A cancelled cheque
  • A paying-in slip
  • A letter from the bank, dated within the last 3 months, which shows all the above required information.

It is our preference to make grant payments by BACS in this way.  However we recognise sometimes this is not possible.  If your organisation could not receive the grant by BACS to administer, then there are 2 further options which should be regarded as a ‘plan b’

  • online store cards for large retailers such as Curry’s or Argos, can be purchased and emailed to you, not the beneficiary.
  • A BACS payment directly to the supplier of the goods or services (e.g directly to a carpet retailer). In which case we require bank payment details directly from them in the form of an invoice or similar documentation.

 If you have any questions on the potential payment of grants, or any of the other points above, please email before applying.